Bohemian orange and white handheld bouquet
A handheld bouquet arrangement with white filler flowers and varying greenery. Has a couple pops of color in the two orange-yellow roses. Tied together with buttercup yellow ribbon, then wrapped in cream tissue paper secured with a chartreuse ribbon. Made with quality faux flowers for a long-lasting, durable effect.
A handheld bouquet arrangement with white filler flowers and varying greenery. Has a couple pops of color in the two orange-yellow roses. Tied together with buttercup yellow ribbon, then wrapped in cream tissue paper secured with a chartreuse ribbon. Made with quality faux flowers for a long-lasting, durable effect.
A handheld bouquet arrangement with white filler flowers and varying greenery. Has a couple pops of color in the two orange-yellow roses. Tied together with buttercup yellow ribbon, then wrapped in cream tissue paper secured with a chartreuse ribbon. Made with quality faux flowers for a long-lasting, durable effect.