Bohemian Dahlias Bouquet


A bouquet made with two large off white dahlias filled out with a variety of accent flowers and smaller bits in orange, yellow, and blue hues. Has splayed out branches of leaves as well as other filler greenery. Tied together with floral tape and finished off with a sparkling gold ribbon on top. Made with quality silk faux flowers for a long-lasting, durable effect.

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A bouquet made with two large off white dahlias filled out with a variety of accent flowers and smaller bits in orange, yellow, and blue hues. Has splayed out branches of leaves as well as other filler greenery. Tied together with floral tape and finished off with a sparkling gold ribbon on top. Made with quality silk faux flowers for a long-lasting, durable effect.

A bouquet made with two large off white dahlias filled out with a variety of accent flowers and smaller bits in orange, yellow, and blue hues. Has splayed out branches of leaves as well as other filler greenery. Tied together with floral tape and finished off with a sparkling gold ribbon on top. Made with quality silk faux flowers for a long-lasting, durable effect.